online activities by generations (by Orange Poland)

few times a day, once a day, few times in a week, once a week, 1-3 times in a month, less often than once a month, never

young/child group (10-18):

order from top: social, messaging, games online, looking for informations/knowlege, expanding hobby, multimedia, news, email, sites with funny pics, online video, looking for informations about products and comparing prices, blogs, p2p down/up, time planning, shopping online, adult sites, banking

adult/parents group (25-59):

top: email, social, news, looking for informations/knowledge, expanding hobby, banking, multimedia, messaging, looking for informations about products and comparing prices, games online, sites with funny pics, online video, blogs, shopping online, p2p down/up, adult sites

kids to 2 yo: over 40% uses tablets and smartphones, 30% everyday

0.5-6.5 yo: 64% uses PC, 25% owns a smartphone

5-15 yo: 90% uses PC, 50% owns a smarphone

everyday usage: kids 1 and 2 yo, 3 and 4 yo, 5 and 6 yo, mean

parents answering at which age kids were using internet

average time spent in internet

parents – weekday, weekend; kids – weekday, weekend

vertically: half hour, half to one hours, one to two, two to four, over four hours, still online, hard to say

(year old data)

web/mobile users in EU

households with: internet access, wideband internet access, country, companies: equiping employes with mobile devices with internet access, with internet access, with wideband internet access

Poland smartphone owners by age