some polish specific data

92% is using Internet on smartphone, only 2% Wi-Fi only

most popular services on smartphone: web, communication, mail, social, apps

Messenger is top communication app, Facebook owns polish messages

still phone calls most popular way for communication, messengers secons, but close

how Poles are using their smartphones

in %, from top: calling, SMS/MMS, web, social, photos, communication, banking, shopping online, music, navigation, games, video

comparing 2015 vs 2020: +229% more users are checking their bank accounts, +430% more shoppers online, +299% online offers/shops watchers

some stats about Poles

  • 89% using apps every day or few times a week
  • most popular are communicators and video content
  • 85% feel satisfied
  • 83% says that apps are useful in life, make it easier
  • 70% wants some gov and edu apps easy accessible for everyone
  • 33% declare increased app usage in post-covid era, 5% declare decreased
  • 57% spends 1-3h daily on mobile, 23% spends 4h+
  • 44% says that increased mobile usage by 2h+ daily in post-covid era
  • 71% of 10 yo kids owns smartphone, almost half keep mobile close whole time

most popular app categories(% of all mobile users)

from top: communicators, video apps, social, banking