Poland, in 2018 25% online shopping will be done through mobile (in 2017 was 18%). Allegro have 50% of mobile share

which device do you use for online shopping?
82% laptop
62% PC
58% smartphone
21% tablet

smartphone activities, mainly in Poland

activities: calling, SMS, MMS, taking photos, messaging apps, social

outer circle Poland, inner average, countries below Czech, Greece, Finland, Serbia, Hungary


social, SMS, taking photos


outer circle gen Z, inner gen Y

activities: calling, SMS, taking photos, social, entertainment (music, movies, books), games

7% of women don’t know what they bought through mobile past year

electronics, shoes/wear, books, sports equipment, services, food, household goods, cosmetics, subscriptions, stuff for kids, medicines/drugs, games, furniture, don’t know/hard to say