few words about digital Poles

left: PC, smartphone, laptop, tablet, Wi-Fi
right: social, radio, web sites, TV news shows/programs, TV news channels, blogs and other similar, press, everyday press sites
(in circles change since 2016)

left: social, communication/chats/video calls, e-mail. offline communication: 61% calls, 39% SMS
right: do you trust web sites (left) / service providers (right)

most often used sources of informations, from top: social, radio, web sites, TV news shows/programs, TV news channels, blogs and other similar, press, everyday press sites

most important sources of informations, from top:  radio, web sites, TV news shows/programs, TV news channels, social, everyday press sites, press, blogs and other similar

smartphone cameras usage in Poland and some other european countries

how important is possibility of making photos?

Poland, Czech, Greece, Finland, Serbia, Hungary

up: makes selfie at least few times a week, down: making groupies at least few times a week. first column: average, rest: countries like above

most photographed objects. from top: friends and family, landscapes and nature, kids, animals. countries like above

smartphone can make equally good photos as camera

I’m using smartphone for making photos more oftenly than camera