online activities by generations (by Orange Poland)

few times a day, once a day, few times in a week, once a week, 1-3 times in a month, less often than once a month, never

young/child group (10-18):

order from top: social, messaging, games online, looking for informations/knowlege, expanding hobby, multimedia, news, email, sites with funny pics, online video, looking for informations about products and comparing prices, blogs, p2p down/up, time planning, shopping online, adult sites, banking

adult/parents group (25-59):

top: email, social, news, looking for informations/knowledge, expanding hobby, banking, multimedia, messaging, looking for informations about products and comparing prices, games online, sites with funny pics, online video, blogs, shopping online, p2p down/up, adult sites

SanDisk in Poland:

26% of users fulfill memory in a month, 38% in three months
52% uof users is forced to clean memory/do some space once a month, 69% once per three months

46% must deleted files, and some time after regret (1/3 of this group prefered to delete own pictures than friends/family/ pets)

18% do mobile backup